Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lamb 101

SHOW 1: Mid-Ohio/Hiland (10:30 AM)
Lamb 101 Topics:
*Safe Handling and Catching, Halter Use
            1. How to safely catch sheep
            2. How to put on a halter
            3. How to begin halter breaking and tying

Lamb 201 Topics:
*Fitting Legs   
            1. Hair, Wool and Shag….Is there a difference
            2. Leg fitting – Where to start and stop
            3. Tools to do the job
Lamb 301 Topics:
*Measuring and Managing Fat
            1. What are the kinds of fat
            2. Where is fat deposited and in what order
            3. Fat and carcass merit

SHOW 2: Clark County (10:00 AM)     
Lamb 101 Topics:
*Animal Health Plan
            1. Wormer use, schedule, and treatment record
            2. Common sheep illnesses and treatment
            3. Lamb Fungus detection, treatment, and prevention

Lamb 201 Topics:
*Lamb Math - Monitoring progress
            1. Using performance to hit target and goal weights
            2. Measuring inputs to determine efficiency
            3. Use technology to chart progress

Lamb 301 Topics:
*Mastering Showing experience
            1. Show ring fashion – Do’s and Don’ts
            2. Show ring etiquette
            3. Say Thank You
            4. Pass it on to a Junior (Mentoring)

SHOW 3: Breeders Classic/Lamboree (TBA)                         
Lamb 101 Topics:
*Feeding Basics
            1. Calculating expected feed consumption
            2. Feeding regimen and schedule
            3. Understanding basic lamb nutrition

Lamb 201 Topics:
*Preparing for Skill-a-thon Events
            1. Finding resources and station information
            2. Completing the record books
            3. How to practice

Lamb 301 Topics:
*Handling and Selecting Market Animals
            1. What exactly is the judge handling
            2. Practice the handling technique
            3. You be the judge    

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